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#ShipModelCollector #MarineAuction #AntiqueShipModels #PeterNessModels #CharlesWMorgan #ScrimshawCollector #WhalingArt #NauticalAntiques #EldredsAuction #MarineArt #SailorsValentines #AntiquitiesMarket #CollectorsCorner #AuctionHighlights #HistoricShipModels

Eldred’s Winter Marine Sale, held February 26-27 in East Dennis, Mass., showcased a robust auction of maritime artifacts, ship models, scrimshaw, and fine art, achieving an 85% sell-through rate and totaling $576,000 in sales. The event attracted significant participation from new bidders, many of whom secured mid- to lower-range items, reflecting a healthy entry point for budding collectors. The sale featured 426 lots, with ship models, scrimshaw, and marine art leading the way in terms of both interest and value.

Ship Models Steal the Spotlight
Ship models were a standout category, with 34 examples offered. The top lot was a 48-inch-long model of the Charles W. Morgan, a historic whaler preserved at Mystic Seaport in Connecticut. Crafted by renowned Boston ship model builder Peter Ness (1890-1976), the model featured six whaleboats and a copper-sheathed hull. It surpassed its $18,000 high estimate, selling for $20,160 to a dealer bidding by phone. Another Ness model, the clipper ship Flying Cloud, also exceeded expectations, fetching $6,930.

A model of the three-masted vessel Sir Lancelot, created by British master modeler Donald McNarry (1921-2010), was another highlight. Detailed and housed in a glass case, it sold for $18,900 (est. $14/18,000) to a private Massachusetts collector. McNarry’s models are highly sought after, and this lot included a catalog and a copy of his 1975 book, Ship Models in Miniature.

Other notable ship models included two Napoleonic prisoner-of-war bone models, each depicting three-masted British ships. The more intricate example, with a carved stern, figurehead, and 94 guns, sold for $11,340, while the other, featuring a finely carved figurehead and twin anchors, brought $9,450. A Nineteenth Century whalebone model of the US Navy ship Tecumseh also performed well, selling for $5,985 (est. $400/800) to a Virginia collector.

Scrimshaw and Whaling Artifacts
The sale’s scrimshaw and whaling section featured nearly 150 lots, with a 77½-inch-long narwhal tusk leading the category at $17,640. Consigned from a private collector and restricted to Massachusetts buyers, it remained in-state with a trade buyer bidding online. Whale’s teeth were also highly coveted, with two mid Nineteenth Century examples fetching strong prices. A polychromed tooth engraved with whaling scenes and a panoramic harbor view sold for $8,820 to a Midwest collector, while another inscribed with a poetic verse brought $6,930.

Bill Bourne, Eldred’s head of Americana, noted a shift in the scrimshaw market, with seasoned collectors stepping back and fewer new bidders entering the field. Despite this, the category remained a cornerstone of the sale, offering a wide range of pieces for enthusiasts.

Fine Art Highlights
Marine-themed fine art also drew significant interest, with 125 lots featuring harbor scenes, ship portraits, and coastal views by prominent artists. Antonia Nicolo Gaspario Jacobsen’s paintings of a ship under sail ($9,450) and the screw steamer Pieter De Coninck ($7,560) were among the top performers. William Robert Davis’s “Topsail Schooner off White Island” led the art category at $10,080, outpacing his “Racing, New York Harbor” at $8,820.

Sailor’s Valentines and Nautical Instruments
Sailor’s valentines, intricate shell-and-glass creations, were another draw. Bernard Woodman’s 20-inch-wide example, featuring a mermaid and merman in a seashell chariot, sold for $9,450 to a local Cape Cod collector. Nautical instruments, including sundials, barometers, and sextants, also found eager buyers. A cased Dollond navigational sundial, dating to the late 18th or early 19th century, sold to a California collector for $3,402 on an absentee bid. A Nineteenth Century knife box with a whale-ivory handle and unique locking mechanism went to a Connecticut collector for $5,040, marking their first purchase with Eldred’s.

Looking Ahead
Eldred’s next Americana sale is scheduled for April 3-4, with a Summer Marine sale to follow. The Winter Marine Sale’s success, driven by strong participation from new and seasoned collectors alike, underscores the enduring appeal of maritime artifacts and the firm’s reputation as a leading auction house in this niche market.

Prices reported include the buyer’s premium. For more information, visit or call 508-385-3116.

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